Thursday, November 21, 2013

Danae's Curricular Presentation Assignment - Slideshow and Supplementary Teaching Documents

FSU # 6 curricular presentation for Creativing Teaching Techniques Using Digital Media from Danae Lambros



1.    Watch the video “I Forgot My Phone” by Charlene DeGuzman, on Youtube.
2.    Film yourself in a 1 – 3 minute video clip using your smartphone.  Make sure to include the following in your video clip:

·      Introduce yourself and the assignment
·      Your reaction to the movie; (opinion)
·      What do you think is the filmmaker’s message? Do you agree/disagree with it? Explain your answer
·      How would you rate your smartphone use? Is it healthy or unhealthy?
·      What you learned from this video.

3.    You will have two weeks to complete your video.
4.    Upload it to Youtube and show it to the class.
5.    You must send the url from Youtube to my blog by midnight the day before class. (proof you completed the assignment on time)


1.    I answered all 5 points of the assignment.
2.    My video is 1 – 3 minutes long.
3.    I used a small enough file size that can be uploaded to Youtube and to my teacher’s blog site.
4.    I remembered to set the volume control on high on my recording.
5.    I spoke clearly and loudly enough to be understood.
6.    I was energetic and made good eye contact.
7.    I understand everything I need to do before I make my video; if I don’t understand something I will ask the teacher for help.

Four Square Activity Sheet - Page 2 of 4

Directions:  Fill in the fours squares as directed by your teacher.

Focus Question:     ____________________________________?

Sample Questions:
1.    What are some positive things about using smartphones?
2.    What are some negative things about using smartphones?
3.    How are smartphones changing human relationships? (Give an example)

My Answer

My First Friend’s Answer

My Second Friend’s Answer


What I learned from this activity:



Expressing Opinions

·      I think/feel/believe that (subject) is (adjective) because (state your reasons here)
·      In my opinion-------------------------------same as above
·      As far as I’m concerned-------------------same as above

Here are some more expressions you can use:
·      It’s my belief that (subject) + (verb)
·      From my perspective, same as above
·      From where I stand, same as above
·      From where I’m looking, same as above

Asking opinion questions:  

·      What’s your opinion?
·      What do you think?
·      How do you feel/about that?
·      How about you?


Video RUBRIC - Page 4 of 4


Student meets all requirements in exceptional manner.
Student is proficient in meeting requirements.
Material is adequate but may be sometimes unclear.
Student and materials incomplete or poorly done.


Student meets and sometimes surpasses guidelines.
Student meets all guidelines.
Student meets most but not all guidelines.
Student fails to meet most or all guidelines.


Students speaks exceptionally clearly.
Student pronunciation is proficient.
Student has some inconsistencies in pronunciation.
Student has poor pronunciation and is difficult to understand.


Student speaks clearly and at a sustained and suitable volume.
Student’s volume is adequate throughout.
Student volume is adequate but has minor inconsistencies.
Student cannot be heard/ failed to adjust video volume/vocal volume.


Energetic and engaging delivery; makes sustained eye contact.
Adequate and sustained delivery.
Adequate but sometimes lacking in consistency and eye contact.
Inadequate: needs more energy, engagement and eye contact.

5 = Advanced
4 = Intermediate
3 = Basic
2 = Needs Improvement

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