Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Post # 3 - Digital Footprint

If I were to evaluate my digital footprint, I would say that I've limited it to having a few email accounts and to using Facebook regularly for several years. However, when it comes to my professional digital footprint, it is extremely weak, almost non-existent. (Try a rarely used Linked in profile). Here's my plan to change and improve it: join Twitter (now) to expand my professional education network and share knowledge; ; continue my work on my professional development (that's why I'm taking this technology course); finish my masters degree in education (short to mid-term time frame), and produce a professional-quality e-portfolio in the spring. I believe these steps will give me a big boost in the right direction towards developing a much more professional digital footprint. 


  1. Danae,
    Your goals are lofty yet attainable. I love it! You give me confidence to expand my digital goals as well. An eporfolio is probably something that is wise to create now. I have a feeling that we will all need to have one to compete professionally in the years to come.

    1. Jasmine,

      I think you're right and I wouldn't be surprised if e-portfolios become the norm within a few years. Educators are EXPECTED to be abreast of the latest digital technologies in order to maximize their potentials in the classroom; also another reason this course is a necessity.

  2. I hear ya. My professional presence is negligible online. I think I might also wait until the masters is finished to really flesh out my portfolio. Like I said in my blog though, I'm having issues with my double purpose for accounts. You gonna use Schoology for courses?

    1. Hi Ian,

      That's a good question and I'm not sure at this point...I definitely think having one blog for personal use and another for professional purposes is the way to go, including for twitter. I'm considering giving Schoology a try for the spring semester. What about you? Any other ideas or suggestions?
